Friday, May 24, 2013

Lost in Translation

I have a Flickr account and recently, they sent me an email that they are now giving a terrabyte of memory to each user to use as he or she sees fit!  Yay, Flickr!  This eliminates their past policy of giving users a 200 photo limit unless they subscribed (aka "paid") for a "Pro" account.  In the past, I did go "Pro" for a few years but found that there were so many other sites where I could do the same thing for free, it just didn't seem necessary.  However, I never deleted the photos I'd already uploaded or gave up my account and now it seems that my patience has been rewarded.

Having been a member since 2006, I took a scan at some of my old photos and wanted to share a few from my trip to Hainan, China, back in 2009 that crack me up every time I see them.  These photos perfectly illustrate the danger of taking things too literally as they are essentially a word-by-word translation of the Chinese character into its corresponding English meaning.

Forget "freshly squeezed" and get "fried fresh" instead!

Translation of the translation:
serving French fries, spaghetti, and sizzling pork,
served on a hot steel plate (or iron in this case)

Combo pizza and sizzling chicken

I have no idea why the beef is unwearied

It's ok to use your hands to eat this mutton

This is actually very poetic since the original Chinese says,
"The grass is resting, do not disturb"

Looking at all these signs for food is making me hungry.  I think I'll go get some various types of approved SA as well as some explodes the potato strip and wash it all down with some fried fresh juice.  However, I don't think I'll have a picnic on the lawn as the thought that the grass I'd be sitting on is trying to sleep/dream puts things in a whole new perspective.  Have a happy weekend and may you have get the chance to do some dreaming of your own. 


  1. I love that the tiny grass is dreaming - it makes me want to lay down next to it, and see if I can catch a dream myself:)

  2. Totally! Except then I'd be crushing them in their slumber....too much personification can be problematic! :) Heard a rumor awhile ago that there was some job searching from your neck of the woods towards this direction. Would be lovely to have you back in the area! :)
