Babies are cute, no question. And baby animals, like baby llamas and baby chicks are pretty darn cute, too.
But have you ever considered how cute baby seedlings are? Look at these little guys coming out of the dirt--they're adorable! (Yes, I believe I've entered that annoying space called "Proud parent of a plant.")
It's definitely planting season out here at the Farm and this year, having ignored my little garden all winter, I went out there to see what was still growing and found a bunch of lovely surprises: the lettuces had come back as well as all the brassicas: kale (Siberian and Tuscan), collards, and broccoli rabe. The Swiss chard was back as well (yodoleheehoo).

A bunch of the chrysanthamums had reseeded itself and were growing quite swimmingly in the sea of weeds that had taken over the beds during winter. Although the bees were humming happily amongst the purple blossoms, I had to get rid of them.
As I loosened up the soil again and begin uprooting all the weeds, the dark rich soil revealed all the lovely worms within working away to make the soil loamy and fertile. I planted some peas, carrots, beets, and other cool weather crops I usually plant too late.
After a couple of days of weeding, wacking, digging, and replanting, the beds are starting to take shape again. Yay, spring! I can't wait to eat the fruit of my labor in the coming months! (Uh oh, this is starting to sound a bit like a Greek tragedy...)
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