My father is prone to fits of forgetfulness. For example, I will ask him a question and in mid-reply, literally, he will stop talking and turn around and do something else, as if I had never asked him a questions. I used to get extremely perplexed about this. Had he just gotten distracted mid-sentence and was thinking of something else before replying? So I would wait an appropriate amount of time before prompting him with a sometimes impatient, "Yeah?!?" to which he'd often reply with a completely blank look. The odds are not good that my memory will be much better.
As such, A Sieve Like Mine will be my attempt to develop a virtual steel-trap mind to compensate for the sieve-like one genetics and environment has bestowed upon me. Interestingly enough, my co-worker who is one with the ability to recite long lines of poetry and scientific nomenclature from memory has remarked that he found that having virtually a photographic memory was more a curse simply because he is unable to forget the bad along with the good. So I suppose I can count my blessings in that way.
I plan to take note of the various things I observe and learn along the way in this life. As such, A Sieve Like Mine will probably be as random and associative as our experiences, memories, and lives tend to be, hopefully wonderfully so.