Saturday, October 29, 2011

On Travel

Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

"In old Arabic poetry love, song, blood, and travel appear as four basic desires of the human heart and the only effective means against our fear of death.  Thus travel is elevated to the dignity of the elementary needs of humankind.  "To sail is necessary, to live is not" (Navigare est necesse, vivere non est necesse)--these words were, according to Plutarch, pronounced by a Roman before the departure of a ship in tempestuous weather.  Whatever practical reasons push people out of their homes to seek adventure, travel undoubtedly removes us from familiar sights and from everyday routine.  It offers to us a pristine world seen for the first time and is a powerful means of inducing wonder." --Czeslaw Milosz, The Book of Luminous Things

Sanya, China
Haikou, China
Bangkok, Thailand
Hanoi, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Macchu Pichu, Peru

Hanoi, Vietnam
Sanya, China
Haikou, China
Oaxaca, Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico

Siem Riep, Cambodia
Angkor Watt, Cambodia
Phenom Penh, Cambodia
Hanoi, Vietnam
Phenom Penh, Cambodia
Puebla, Mexico

Masai Mara, Kenya
Masai Mara, Kenya
Masai Mara, Kenya
Sedona, AZ
Manuel Antonia, Costa Rica
Maras, Peru

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